Michael’s incredible story shows why adversity can give us the motivation to succeed. Order your copy today!

Before Michael Crossland turned one year old, he was facing death. An aggressive cancer was attacking his tiny central nervous system and a tumour was rampaging through more than half of his frail body. His chances of survival were practically zero and by his second birthday, after a year of chemotherapy, doctors had reluctantly given up hope. His parents prepared for the worst until, one day, they were offered one remote chance to fight back: Michael was placed in an experimental drug program and, against all odds, he survived. He was the only program participant to do so. But he didn’t make it through unscathed: to this day he lives with permanent scars, one remaining lung, a damaged heart, and an intensely sensitive immune system.

As a result, Michael spent more than a quarter of his early life in hospital. School and sport were’t options for him. Infection and fatigue were too great a risk and he was told that if he reached his teenage years, it would be a miracle. But he didn’t give up and the miracle came. Since then he’s gone on to achieve great personal and professional success, leaving his successful financial career to help others overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Michael is a bestselling author and has shared the stage with the likes of the Dalai Lama, Richard Branson and Tony Robbins.

Michael has given hope to many people facing life-threatening illnesses through his work with numerous charities, including the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the Cancer Council and Camp Quality and he also set up an orphanage and school in Haiti after the tragic earthquake in 2010.

Michael Crossland sets an example for all of us. He's a man who has faced, and still faces, daily challenges. And despite those challenges, he always strives to put others before himself and give what he can to help people in need. A true inspiration. A true hero.

In Everything Will Be OK, you will hear Michael’s story and learn how you too can shift your mindset and make the most out of every day.

Jeanine Treharne