As the dust settles
Words by Joany Badenhorst
22 June 2019
And just like that, Stand Tall 2019 is finished. It came, it saw and it changed lives. The crowd was loud, the speakers inspiring and the messages clear.
How do we carry the things we’ve learned forward, and where do we go from here?
It’s in moments like these, that I like to sit down and truly reflect on what I have learned, what I want to take away from an event like this and where I see myself putting pen to paper. I sat in the crowd and watched speaker after speaker come in and share their truth- I wrote down some things that really resonated with me in my life, and I encourage each and every one of you to do the same.
I Learnt to;
Live for more. Too often we settle with the lot that life has given us. We think that this is as good as it gets, that this might be it for us. But, you are wrong. If Michael Crossland’s amazing story of sickness, heartache and triumph taught us anything, it would be that there is more. You just need to be willing enough to find it. Moreover, you need to be willing enough to work for it.
If you can do it, you must! Just because of the pure fact that you can. If you can’t, then remember to always try and find a way!
Em Carey fell from the sky, lived- and walked again. That put a lot of things into perspective for me. listening to her incredible story made me realise that I took a lot of things, even small things, for granted. It was a wakeup call to appreciate the things that I have in my life and stop mourning the things that I don’t. It also encouraged me to remember to celebrate even the smallest wins. Remember, every small step you take will eventually add up to a kilometre forward!
Fail early, fail often and fail forward. Just make sure that after every time you don’t succeed in the things you try and do, you get back up and do it again. The world will say no, it will doubt you and it will try and stop you from achieving your goals. But remember, their opinion over your life comes from fear of the unknown. But your willingness to succeed comes from strength and determination with in yourself.
Live by faith. Derek Rabelo is a blind BIG wave surfer that shared with us how he puts his fear aside and does something extraordinary. Without sight, he surfs some of the most intimidating and scary waves known to man.
By faith… His faith in his own ability, faith in his worth, faith in his dreams and faith in His God.
Believe in what you can do, value your strengths and put them to good use. It might seem hard sometimes but always back yourself in the things that you want to do. If you don’t, no one else will.
And lastly,
Be kind. Love, and try and make this world a little bit better. Campbell Remess is a 15 year old boy that dedicated his time to making teddy bears for sick kids. The impact of that bear doesn’t stop with the kids themselves but extends to their family and friends! The smallest gesture of love or kindness can change a life, and together, we can change the world. Let’s strive to make it a little bit nicer to live in, day by day. Kindness paves a way for generosity and MATESHIP.
So, what now?
Use the energy, the passion and the inspiration you received from this amazing event as fuel for your fire of change, put it to use!
Remember: You are the change you want to see. So, set some goals, work hard and remember that you are worth it. You are worth the time and effort. Your happiness should be at the forefront of what you do, because you can’t inspire others or help them if can’t help yourself.
So….Set goals, work hard, fail but don’t quit and always remember to do it all with a little bit of pizzazz!