Welcome to the team, Will Kemp!

We are excited to welcome our new Student Ambassador for 2020, Will Kemp!

Words by Will Kemp

5 March 2020

My involvement with Stand Tall came about because of one photo…

I’ve always been one of the shorter people. Always in the front row of school photos, mistaken for being in the younger classes, being targeted for my size, and up against footy players twice my size.

Being short didn’t really have too much of a negative impact on me, as I’ve had a great childhood, and great role models in my life, but I know many other kids haven’t been so lucky. So I knew that I had to be a little louder, train a little harder at sport, and occasionally get up on mates’ shoulders to be able to see stuff.

Which leads me on to that photo.

A picture taken of me up on a school mate’s shoulders, having a blast at the Stand Tall Event in 2017. The event itself was great with sports legends, music performances, and some thoughtful speakers talking about making better choices in life.

From that point on, some pretty cool things started to happen.

I met the Team from Stand Tall who put that photo onto the side of a train bringing students to Sydney for the following year’s event. I got to welcome them as they arrived, and met the Stand Tall Ambassadors Joany Badenhorst, and later Derek Rabelo. I then had a really fun surf with Derek and Layne Beachley at Queenscliff.

Since then I learnt more about what this charity organisation Stand Tall actually do – which is all about bringing hope and inspiration to young people through some great events, camps and programs.

Their latest project is to try and bring as many students as they can from the drought and bushfire affected areas to Sydney, to watch the Stand Tall Event as well as to see Vivid and give them some hope and inspiration.

Many relatives and friends who have been badly affected by these fires and drought, and thought that I could finally do something about it. So I signed up to be a Youth Ambassador with Stand Tall, and am now holding a Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings Balgowlah on Sunday 8th March from 8am-4pm to help raise money to bring these kids to Sydney.

My school mates and friends have signed up to help me, and we’d love to see as many of you as possible buy a sausage and a drink to help the cause.

Hopefully see you there!



Jeanine Treharne